Tech Resumé
/How I got here
First Computer
ADAM with Dual Cassette Tape Data Drives!First Time Online
Dial-up AOL! Gotta love that modem sound :)Computer Consultant/Web Designer
Part-Time SidelineAs I learned how computers worked, I began repairing them for friends and family. After discovering the internet in 1995, I began building websites in 1996. Later on my part-time passion would become a full-time job.
Designed First Business Websites
Carousel Press, Hanover, PAFreedom Valley Worship Center, Gettysburg, PA
Began Teaching Computer Classes
Littlestown Area Schools Continuing EducationHanover YMCA Senior Citizens
Headed Back to School
Love for learning led me pursue a computer degreeAssociate in Arts, Computer Support Specialist
Harrisburg Area Community CollegeHarrisburg, PA
Graduated with Highest Honors; Member of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.
Associate in Arts, Computer Information Systems
Harrisburg Area Community CollegeHarrisburg, PA
Graduated with Highest Honors; Member of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society.
Internet Help Desk/Web Designer
SuperPA.netProvided customer service and telephone tech support to callers, as well as designing and maintaining client websites.
Bachelor of Science, Information Technology
Capella University, Minneapolis, MNIT with a focus on web design and graphics. Graduated Summa Cum Laude.
Computer Consultant/Web Designer
digitaldaenaMy computer consulting sideline morphed into a full-time business in April 2009. I continue supporting computer systems and building websites for both individuals and businesses. Increasing use of smartphones and tablets has changed the way we use technology, but if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I also offer smartphone and tablet support. Ask about it!